Posts tagged Indy Doula
Stop the Mom Shaming!

Then there’s us- the ones in the trenches with fresh postpartum moms- and all we have to say is STFU to anyone speaking on behalf of all moms from a place of privilege.

The privilege of an easy pregnancy.
The privilege of a smooth postpartum recovery.
The privilege of no complications for mom or baby.
The privilege of health.
The privilege of no PPD/PPA.
The privilege of a fantastic maternity/paternity leave.
The privilege of sound sleep and easy feedings.
The privilege of feeling a strong bond with your baby.

We promise, if you knew a mom with a baby freshly cut from her abdomen, or one dealing with stitches from a deep 4th degree tear, you wouldn’t say a word about her needing support. So why is it that if a new mom is struggling mentally or emotionally, or a mom is gathering her tools for her postpartum tool belt, it’s okay to be completely dismissive of her experience by making judgement-laced comments about how perfect their own postpartum recovery + baby’s first few months were? It’s passive best.

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Postpartum During COVID-19

We’re thrilled to be sharing our first guest blogger- Indianapolis based Courtney Summitt! Together with her husband Ryan, she’s done a ton of work to prepare their hearts, home, and family for their 2nd baby boy during a pandemic. Here’s a look into what they are doing, along with the information they sent to their family for you to use as a guide.

Please give Courtney a warm welcome!

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Having a Baby During COVID-19

Our Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist has been downloaded hundreds of times over the past year. We love helping parents from all over the country figuring out what comforts from home will help them during their labor and postpartum hospital stay.

Now that COVID-19 is changing everything- including labor and delivery- we decided to create a new list for parents expecting a baby during this challenging time. Our goal here is to help you reshape your thinking about what you really need…along with some tactical tips to help prevent cross-contamination from hospital to home and vice versa.

But first…To our pregnant friends in our community-

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Our 5 Best Tips for Rocking Your Birth

So you want to rock your labor and delivery- and specifically, you want an unmedicated birth?! Choosing to decline medications or an epidural, and birthing a baby without these said drugs, isn’t going to be easy- but it can be done. And we’re here to help you prepare!

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