Posts tagged birth stoty
Unexpected- Part Two

On November 22, 2022 around 7:00pm, Brianna’s name popped up on my phone. I answered to hear an excited and shocked sweet voice telling me, “My water just broke at Whole Foods!” After gathering more details and laughing together that she had a Hollywood moment, I encouraged her to call her midwife and then call me back. A few minutes later, Brianna called again to say her midwife said to go home and rest, eat, shower… laboring at home for as long as possible was a part of her birth plan so this seemed like the right call.

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Our 5 Best Tips for Rocking Your Birth

So you want to rock your labor and delivery- and specifically, you want an unmedicated birth?! Choosing to decline medications or an epidural, and birthing a baby without these said drugs, isn’t going to be easy- but it can be done. And we’re here to help you prepare!

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Baby 2.0

Bringing home baby #2?! We're here to help with some tips about how to prepare your firstborn (aka 1.0) for their newborn sibling (aka 2.0).

Before you jump in, we want you to remember there will be double the tears, double the exhaustion, double the fears...and double the love.

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Post-Delivery Firsts

In Part Three of our Postpartum Series, we’re headed up north and talking about what you can expect from the upper part of your body during the first 72 hours post-delivery. This area tends to be the hub for a lot of “firsts” for new moms.

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The Moment I Became a Mom - Jordan

So many moments come flooding to my head when I think about this.

I remember so clearly the day leading up to the birth of my first son, Landon. I had literally been daydreaming about his birth during my whole pregnancy and I woke up that morning and just KNEW it was the day that I would meet him.

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